Ahsan Pardesi exhorts workers to work in tandem, addresses workers meeting at Balhama

Srinagar March 22 (KNS) : The J&K National Conference Provincial Vice President kashmir and In Charge constituency Lal Chowk Ahsan Pardesi on Wednesday said that only NC can halt the march of political and democratic disenfranchisement set in motion on August 05 2019 by forces inimical to J&K’s unique identity and status.

This he said while addressing a workers meeting at Halqa Balhama in Lal chowk Constituency. He urged the people and cadre to stand united to give befitting reply to political opponents who have hurt the sentiments of people, he said "There is a perception on ground that the paradropped administration has become more unaccountable and the Central government’s claim to give Kashmir a corruption-free administration and good governance was simply rhetoric. Government is busy swelling its coffers, but when it comes to passing on the benefits to the poor, it sidesteps its responsibility. Despite charging hefty amounts from consumers, the rampant erratic power supply and unscheduled cuts is taking a toll on people during the ongoing winter season.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe administration is further deepening the troubles of people by imposing taxes, and providing inferior quality of rice and wheat at FCSCA ration stores. There is no accountability on the ground.”
It becomes lot more important for our workers to reach out to people to warn them about the imminent challenges faced by our region, he said, "There is no way we can surmount these challenges if we don't work in tandem to ensure that party position, vision and mission reaches every household," he said.

On the occasion prominent political worker nazir Mir joined back JKNC. 
Ahsan Pardesi was was accompanied by block president Abdul Majeed Bhat Haqa president's Ali Mohd Mir and Ghulam Hussain YNC vp central Zone fazil Bhat Youth block president khanmouh Nisar Ahmad Bhat (KNS) 

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