Ahead of Independence Day, Muharram-ul-Haram , DGP J&K chairs high level meeting

Reviews security arrangement

Reviews security arrangement

Srinagar, August 03 (KNS) : The Director General of Police J&K, Dilbag Singh today chaired a high level meeting at PCR Kashmir to review the overall security scenario and arrangements regarding the celebration of forthcoming Independence Day and 10th Muharram-ul-Haram functions.

ADG CRPF, J&K Daljit Singh Chodhary,Spl. DGP CID, J&K Shri R.R Swain, IG CRPF Ops Kashmir, Manvinder Singh Bhatia, ADGP (Coord) PHQ  Danish Rana, IG CRPF Srinagar Ops Sector, Miss Charu Sinha, ADGP Kashmir Zone, Shri Vijay Kumar, IG BSF FTR, Hqrs Kashmir, Shri R.B. Singh, IGP Traffic  Vikramjit Singh, DIG CKR, Sujit Kumar, SSP Srinagar,  Rakesh Balwal attended the meeting at PCR Kashmir. ADGP Security J&K, Dr. S.D Singh Jamwal, District SSsP of Kashmir Zone attended the meeting through video conferencing. 

At the very outset of the meeting, the DGP sought reports from the officers about security arrangements and deployment plans put in place for the smooth and peaceful conduct of 10th Muharram and the Independence Day celebrations in twin capital cities and all district headquarters across J&K.

The DGP discussed in detail all the arrangements to be made for smooth conduct of these functions and directed to ensure all the necessary arrangements are in place well in time. Emerging challenges and their counter measures were threadbare discussed during the meeting. The national campaign, Har Ghar Tiranga was also discussed during the meeting.
Referring to the continuous attempts by sponsored elements to create disturbance in Jammu and Kashmir, the DGP said that extra vigil is required to be maintained for the forthcoming 10th Muharram functions and Independence Day celebrations.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe DGP directed the officers for ensuring implementation of joint mechanisms chalked out at different levels.

Stressing for further strengthening the coordination among all sister agencies and the civil administration, the DGP said to foil any attempt by troublemakers a close liaison should be maintained at every level. He directed for increased patrolling, area domination and CASOs etc to ensure that anti-peace elements are not given any chance to create any disturbance. He stressed on maintaining alertness on the borders of the twin cities and on the national highway for which he advised placement of ‘nakas’ and joint patrolling to check the movement of anti-social/anti-national elements. The DGP also appreciated the work of Police, CAPFs/Army for ensuring peaceful conduct of SANJAY-2022.

The DGP directed for making smooth traffic arrangements during the Independence Day celebrations, particularly routes leading to venues of functions in Srinagar and Jammu. Parking slots should be identified so that people participating in these functions should not face any inconvenience, he said.

The senior officers representing different units, agencies briefed the meeting about the required steps to be taken to ensure peaceful conduct of the Independence Day celebrations. They also apprised the DGP regarding the overall security scenario and counter/preventative measures in place in the areas under their command. The officers also briefed about the security arrangement regarding the peaceful conduct of Muharram-ul-Haram functions. (KNS) 

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