Administration caught napping as problems galore in snow fall: Vakil

 Sopore Feb 23:(KNS)  Senior Vice President Peoples Conference and Former Minister Abdul Gani Vakil today said that the administration is invisible at this time of distress. In a statement,Vakil lashed out at authorities for allegedly failing to make proper arrangements in view of the snowfall.

Abdul Gani Vakil said that all claims made by the government about their preparedness have been exposed with a few inches of snow causing immense hardships to the people of Valley especially people of Rafiabad and Zainageer area which is still under snow and nobody from the Govt side coming to the rescue.
“just a few inches of snow have caused massive power breakdown, road blockades and water scarcity in the Valley especially in Rafiabad and Zainageer .Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAll the major roads leading to Rafiabad and connecting villages are completely inundated, with snow yet to be cleared from the roads.
To mitigate the hardship of people ,the higher-ups in administration need to ensure greater synergy and coordination between various departments especially those providing essential services. UT government must ensure that people are provided all basic services, particularly power,water, essential necessities, and emergency services should be monitored and damaged power distribution lines should be immediately repaired ,” Vakil said
Vakil urged the administration to fully activate a response mechanism to deal with the situation arisen after heavy snowfall.(KNS) 

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