Increased poll percentage , sign of party’s resurgence : Laigaroo

Srinagar, May16 (KNS): Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), state secretary Arif Laigaroo, highlighted the significance of the increase in polling percentage in Srinagar district, seeing it as a sign of the party's resurgence. He emphasized the party's commitment to actively addressing the concerns of the people and facilitating positive change. The recent polling results in favor of JKPDP in the Srinagar Parliamentary Segment were discussed in a meeting convened today at party headquarters to assess the situation. The others which participated in the meeting Ab Hameed Kosheen, State Secretary, District President Ab Qayoom Bhat, Zuhaib Yousuf Mir, Constituency Incharge Lal Chowk, Dr Ali Mohammad Constituency Incharge Eidgah, Tawseef Shah, Sheikh Saba, M Sideeq Mir, Ali Mohammad Baba, Zone President Sameer-ul-Jameel, Nissar Ahmad Sofi, Bilal Ahmad, Bashir Ahmad Bhat.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelLaigaroo expressed gratitude to the electorate of Srinagar for showing confidence in PDP by turning out in large numbers to exercise their right to vote. He asserted that the evolving political atmosphere would not only bolster democratic institutions but also provide avenues for the public to voice their concerns through their elected representatives at the highest levels. Issued through Media cell.(KNS)

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