3 accused chargesheeted by Crime Branch for grabbing money on pretext of providing govt jobs

Srinagar, July 27 (KNS): The Crime Branch Kashmir, now Economic Offence Wing Srinagar, produced a Charge Sheet before the Court of JMIC Tangmarg against 03 accused persons for grabbing money on pretext of providing government jobs. 

According to a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), the accused have been identified as Gh. Mohi-u-din Sheikh S/o Gh. Ahmad of Tangmarg, Ab. Majeed Dar S/o Gh. Mohd Dar, Son in Law of Gh. Mohi-u-din Lone of Baramulla and Imtiyaz Ahmad Parray S/o Mohd Yousuf Parray of Hajin. 

The statement reads that the charge sheet was filed in case  FIR No. 23/2015 U/S 420, 467, 468, 471, 120-B RPC.

“The case had been registered upon receipt of a written complaint of Gh.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelMohi-ud-din Sheikh wherein it was alleged that Ab. Majeed Dar, and others have grabbed Rs. 25 lacs from innocent persons for providing government jobs,” it reads. 

It reads that subsequently, a Preliminary Verification was conducted which culminated in the registration of Case FIR No. 23/2015 U/S 420, 467, 468, 471, 120-B RPC against accused persons including the complainant. 

“The investigation conducted has revealed that the complainant Gh. Mohi-u-din Sheikh along with two other accused have duped the innocent people and provided them fake appointment orders,” it added. (KNS)

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